Saturday, October 8, 2011

Week 6- Bits and Bytes

            Bits and bytes are used greatly in my entrepreneurial idea. They help make the product better, as well as more user oriented. They are important to many different aspects of the INTERSECT such as memory storage, and processing speed The INTERSECT will use bits and bytes for all of these aspects.
            Firstly, the INTERSECT will have a certain capacity for memory storage. This measured standard will be for the Ipad system that the INTERSECT will be used on. For memory storage of people’s names, gender, age, as well as destinations and social networking sites to check in there will be a told of 64 GB (Gigabytes) which is a total of 67,108,864 Bytes which Is made up of 536,870,912 Bits.
Also using Bits and Bytes will be used within the processing speed power in the IPad. The processor that will be used to help with speed is measured in Bytes. This shows the length of time that it will take when you put in a command into the INTERSECT software. It is important to have a high processing speed time so that users wont have to wait for their commands to process and they can get all the INTERSECT has to offer FAST. Bits and Bytes are essential to the way the INTERSECT will work and are a large part of the product. 

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